Validitas Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Penduduk Pada Disdukcapil Kota Solok Dengan Metode Computer System Usability Questionnaire


  • Lita Sari Muchlis Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar
  • Muhammad Jamal Jamil Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar



.Solok City Population Administration Information System (SIAK) is an information system used by Disdukcapil officers as there is no validity and social control so it is prone to data misuse. In the midst of a lot of research on GIS the focus is showing a map of the real location of the highlights on the boundaries of the area will be able to monitor the number of population spread per selected region. In the development of the Population Ministry GIS Application, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model is used. The results achieved make the application of this Web-Based Geographical Population Mapping Information System is that the population address data becomes more valid because the map of the real location of the resident's home address and social control can also be applied because with monitoring of the real location of the resident's home address and the results of the test data graphical form shows the assessment of the system with the percentage of satisfaction of this application using the Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) obtained an average value of 89.88% which is included in the very feasible category.


