Exploring the Landscape of Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Review of IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems


  • Karwan Muheden Erbil Polytechnic university
  • Prof. Dr. Shavan Askar Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Mariwan Mohammed Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Noura Bilal Erbil Polytechnic University


SDN, cyber security, smart city, IoT


They focus on housing, well-being, equality, clean energy and fair conditions. The cyber-physical approach involves the development of IoT and Cyber-Things. Smart cities have a variety of use cases, including electricity and transportation. Automating is used for efficiency in industrial manufacturing. An integrated supply and demand side management system is required for the reliability, security and ability to manage the power grid. This paper introduces an integrated energy approach, enhances existing standards, and establishes a shared basis for multidisciplinary planning. It also introduces new semantic network ontologies to provide a comprehensive framework for solving resource-related challenges. This new approach aims to fill the gaps in current standards and create an integrated environment for multi-stakeholder collaboration, using a semantic web ontology for communication and improved decision making in energy systems Provides information integrated, including various forms of smart cities With flexibility for flexibility and inclusion in the energy industry, can accommodate the specific characteristics and needs of various smart city applications In this study, computing -physical system (CPS), software-defined network (SDN), internet (IoT). ), and analyze how smart cities are connected. CPS combines physical channels with electronic systems to provide increased network management efficiency and flexibility. SDN improves dynamic capacity and flexibility, while IoT is more connected for real-time data exchange and decision-making.

Author Biography

Prof. Dr. Shavan Askar, Erbil Polytechnic University

Dr. Shavan Askar (Professor of Computer Networks since 15/3/2023). He received his PhD degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Essex\UK in 2012. He obtained his MSc (2003) and BSc (2001, Ranked 1st on the college) degrees from the Control and Systems Engineering Dept. Baghdad. Dr. Askar works in the field of Networks that includes Internet of Things, Software Defined Networks, Optical Networks, and 5G. Dr. Askar has started his academic career in 2003 when he was appointed as a lecturer at the University of Duhok Iraq until 2008 when he was granted a scholarship to do his PhD degree that commenced in October 2008 and finished successfully in June 2012. Dr. Askar then returned to Iraq to pursue his academic career at the University of Duhok for the period 2012-2016 by supervising master students, teaching post-gradatue courses, and became project manager of so many strategic projects in Kurdistan. In 2016, Dr. Askar joined Duhok Polytechnic University as the Director General of Scientific Research Center, his role includes apart from teaching post-graduate students, contributing to the development of the university from the technological and scientific perspectives. Since 2017, Dr. Askar beside his DPU job is working as an Adjunct Professor at the American University of Kurdistan, he contributed into the establishment of a new program called Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering\College of Engineering, he teaches different courses in this program. Dr. Askar has more than 95 scientific research papers, some of his papers were published in very prestigious conferences such as OFC and ECOC and high impact factor journals. While he was in UK, he worked as a Researcher in two European projects; MAINS project (Metro Architecture enabling Sub wavelengths) and ADDONAS project (Active Distributed and Dynamic Optical Network Access Systems).

