Analysis Quality of Service on Patiens Satisfaction using Service Performance and Importance Performance Analysis Method at Puskesmas X


  • Fannysah Della Puspita Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Enny Aryanny Industrial Enginering


Puskesmas X is a health services in Indonesia that aims to organize first-level public health efforts. This research aims to determine the quality of service to patients and provide advices for improvements to improve the quality of health center services. The method used in this research is the Servperf method and Importance Performance Analysis. Based on research with the service performance method, the mean performance level is 3,39 and the mean importance level is 4,38. Meanwhile, the Importance Performance Analysis obtained the level of conformity between performance and importance is 77,49% with seven atrributes of service quality dimensions that enter quadrant I and are the top priority for improvement. The proposed improvements are made to improve the quality of health center services in the future by adjusting the main priority attributes of improvements to the Importance Performance Analysis diagram.

