Fashion Design Classification Based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms: A Review


  • ahmed shushi Akre University for Applied Science – Technical College of Informatic – Akre – Department of Information Technology – Akre – Kurdistan Region – Iraq –
  • Adnan M. Abdulazeez


Fashion Design, Classification, Machine Learning, Deep Learning


Integration of machine learning algorithms in fashion design classification brought transformational change by allowing the automated analysis, categorization, and prediction of fashion items based on different attributes of the item. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in fashion design classification through machine learning techniques. Review of literature, methodology, and challenges in this area indicate that an array of algorithms and methods, stretching from traditional machine learning algorithms to convolutional neural networks and further to transfer learning approaches, is being tried and tested. In this paper, I will discuss performance comparison among several machine learning algorithms, pinning their strengths, limitations, and possible applications in the fashion industry. We further elaborate on crucial challenges, such as touching on the issue of data variability, interpretability, and others on ethical consideration issues, all pointing to the need for fairness and sustainability with respect to the representation of reality in algorithmic decision-making. This paper aims to inform researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders of the opportunities and challenges brought about by the use of machine learning in a fast-paced world like fashion, hence demystifying current directions in landscape classification of fashion design.

